Basic Rules for Original Kingsley Double Crostics

by Doris Nash Wortman

as reprinted in the Acrostics Network Newsletter #87,

November 2004

  1. Quotations forming the basis of the puzzles must be from 175 to 200 letters in length. Diagramless ones may have 234 letters.
  2. Author's name and title of work together should be no more than 28 characters in length.
  3. Quotations should be from works of general interest, old or new, not too familiar, as great familiarity reduces the pleasure of working out the puzzle. A quote from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, for example, would too soon reveal itself.
  4. Each quotation must be interesting, fairly complete and able to stand alone apart from its context.
  5. Each WORD (or phrase) should be listed in Webster's New International Dictionary (Second Edition), or its authority must be named; it must be fairly defined. No obsoletes, dialect or "Scot." forms.
  6. No more than one letter from any word in the quotation should appear in any one WORD to be guessed. Spread your letters around. If your quote has a "qu," for example, make sure that there is another "u" in it which you can employ to follow the "q" in planning your WORDS.
  7. In general, follow the established Kingsley style and tone. Do not introduce novelties of any sort, no matter how charming.
  8. Each puzzle submitted must include the diagram and the full answer (quotation and list of WORDS). Please type D-Cs, if possible, on one side of the paper only, name and address on each page. Squares of diagrams at least 1/2 inch across; large legible letters in square.

  9. Clearly the puzzles we are publishing do not follow these early rules, (which are perhaps from the fifties?) but I thought it might be fun to have them for comparison.

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    Page first posted by Sue Gleason October 31 2004; Last modified: October 31, 2004